Imprint AI is for you if you’re looking to streamline the labour equation. Imprint AI is a potent end-to-end workforce management solution that is primarily focused on improving your workforce management, boosting productivity, and automating time-consuming manual operations.
Imprint AI’s cutting-edge tracking system does much more than just monitor coordinates. Smart modules from Imprint AI can be used to lessen a business’s or an individual’s workload. Imprint AI has tailored features for all the different businesses, from banks and NBFCs to telecom corporations, pharmaceutical firms, FMGCs, diagnostic labs, and pay wallets.
Regardless of the industry to which your business belongs, Imprint AI’s workforce automation solution has capabilities and a breadth that are incredibly varied and adaptable. The team’s main goal is to use technology to solve problems related to the area of workforce management. An element that is present in all endeavours is workforce management. By making use of the power of cutting-edge technology, Imprint AI acts as a tool for innovation and elevation in the personnel management area.
Imprint AI is a smart workforce automation system that combines machine learning, the Internet of Things, and artificial intelligence (AI) (ML). It helps managers and the field personnel by eliminating manual duties, assuring ideal time management, and boosting overall efficiency & production. Simply put, Imprint AI is for you if you seek a better approach to business, regardless of the industry.
When someone is able to comprehend the clever features that Imprint AI has to offer, a powerful tool like it becomes even more effective. When it comes to features, Imprint AI is extensive, and it has several facets when it comes to industry.
Imprint AI’s primary goal, as well as its end-to-end workforce management solution, is to simplify the workforce equation. Over a thousand sales managers and countless field agents now have easier access to their workforces thanks to Imprint, which is also trusted by over 100 clients on three continents. Imprint is dynamic and always changing along with the market’s rapid change and dynamism, as well as the demands of the market. Expanding the features and utilising the newest technology are ongoing efforts to simplify and revolutionise workforce management.
Nevertheless, Imprint has introduced a number of new features in addition to the ones that already exist, and what is interesting is that it is still developing new ones. Now let’s analyse the intriguing features that Imprint has created:
1) Automatic reimbursement computation.
The distance travelled by field agents can be tracked for each trip, each day, with the use of Imprint AI’s auto reimbursement computation tool. With the help of this feature, the whole number of miles travelled may be recorded, allowing for an accurate computation of the costs. This lessens the HR manager’s or any other relevant authority figure’s manual labor-intensive calculations. This is incredibly advantageous for any endeavour that requires travel. Digital storage of the bills eliminates the possibility of fraud or inaccuracies.For example, Trip Reimbursement — Create a vehicle type- Tariff Configuration for the vehicle types (can be done fixed or rate per kilometre) — employee mapping with the vehicle (if mapping is done will show the same vehicle for selection to employee to apply for trip reimbursement, else will show all the vehicle type to select if mapping is not done).
Report & Analysis — Trip Reimbursement — Will show the report of both trip reimbursement and manually done reimbursement.
Master Data Configuration — Account Manager — Configure Email id on which the reimbursement report mail should be triggered on the basis of role.
Master Data Configuration — Report Configuration — Configuration for Reimbursement report frequency can be done over here.
Payroll — Trip Reimbursement — Once employee has done all the trips, it will show in this section and employee can apply the reimbursement of those trips by selecting the vehicle type which has been mapped with that employee.
2)Master Data Configuration.
Automation of configurations or networks using technologies for network configuration automation boosts productivity and strengthens the network. Applying the same set of modifications to several devices repeatedly might be psychologically and physically taxing for some network administrators who still handle configurations manually. It can be time-consuming, lose track of changes, and frequently result in configuration file issues. With the use of a network configuration automation tool, repeated operations can be carried out with little assistance from a human.
Automate the setting of your network using
1. Automated configuration backups from Imprint AI
2. Automated change management from Imprint AI
3. Automated configlets/command scripts from Imprint AI
4. Automated compliance auditing from Imprint AI
For example, In this module there is an option for SMS, by which HR can enable and disable the SMS notification.
SMS Notification will be sent to client, employee and manager on their respective mobile numbers, whenever a new appointment is scheduled or cancelled containing tracking link, also when the employee enters and exit the clients geofence radius.
Manager/Super Manager
1) Appointment — Open the scheduled appointment — on top right there will be button SMS notification, by clicking on this it will again trigger the SMS to all the respective person.2) Payroll — Reimbursement — PFB
The feature is as flexible as Imprint AI itself, and it can record and manage any type of travel records. It is not just limited to field agents.
Imprint already has some of the best features, like lead management, cost management, knowledge base management, attendance tracking, and document management. Along with a special video conferencing technology called DialTM, it also permits integrated digital communication. Additionally, these new features will empower your workforce management with the power of automation and simplify workforce management overall.
What’s more thrilling? Not only this. Imprint has a roadmap that includes many exciting developments. Keep checking back for the best and most recent workforce management solutions.
With all the qualities stated, it’s important to recognise that these are only some of the most important ones. Numerous additional functions are available for access and use. Regardless of the size or industry, Imprint AI’s main goal as a tool is to make business more convenient. Imprint AI is for everyone, and it should be the first option when considering shrewd business decisions.
For more information and a free demo. Visit www.imprintai.us